Iraqi Translators Association welcomes all citizens at its HQ located in Baghdad, Palestine Street near Al-Mawal Square, it is worth mentioning that the Association`s working hours are daily from 9 am until 3 pm and on Thursdays from 9 am until 1 pm – the Association does not work on Fridays and official holidays.
Services provided by Iraqi Translators Association
1. Certified legal translation from Arabic into all foreign languages and vice versa in all fields of knowledge and specialisations, including legal, media, scientific, literary, medical and engineering translation.
2. Certified legal translation from a foreign language into another foreign language.
3. Interpreters specialising in simultaneous interpretation in conferences and seminars.
4. Organising specialised courses in translation and interpretation for graduates of language departments.
5. Organising developmental courses in teaching living foreign languages.
6. Organising proficiency testing courses in English and other living languages.
7. Organising special exams to obtain membership in the Association for non-graduates of language departments.
8. Providing state departments and official and non-official institutions with translators in all specialisations.
9. A specialised library that includes rare dictionaries and dictionaries in most international languages.