Iraqi Translators` Association was established in Baghdad in 1970, it became one of the scientific societies registered with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in 1982. It is a member of the Supreme Council of Scientific Societies (Ministry of Higher Education), and when the Supreme Council of Scientific Societies was re-formed in 2014, Iraqi Translators` Association was among the Associations that participated in the process and obtained the position of Financial Secretary of the Supreme Council.
Iraqi Translators` Association joined as a permanent and active member of the International Federation of Translators ‘FIT’ in the twelfth organizational conference that was held in Belgrade / former Yugoslavia, for the period from 2-6 August 1990. Thus, it became the first Arab association to join the International Federation of Translators FIT.

Iraqi Translators` Association held its first scientific conference in Baghdad in 1987, the second scientific conference in 1989, and the third scientific conference in December 2006.
Translators Association published the first issue of its refereed journal “Al-Mutarjim” in 1987. In 2001, it published the first and second issues of its refereed journal, “Translation and Linguistics,” which deals with translation and translators’ affairs. The third issue was published in 2006. The fourth issue was published in 2010, the fifth issue was published in December of 2012, the sixth issue was published in 2013, and the seventh issue was published in July of 2014.
The Association organised a ceremony honouring the first pioneer translators in Iraq in 2009, and organised the second ceremony to honour the pioneer and creative translators at the end of 2014. It also holds specialised courses in translation as well as development courses for those wishing to learn foreign languages. It organised the first cultural season in the Autumn of 1989 and the second in Spring 1990, the third in the Autumn of 1991, and the fourth in the Autumn of 2009. The number of its members who translate from and into living world languages has nearly reached (15,000) members and the number is constantly increasing.